Macon County, Tennessee
Historical Society

Society Projects

Youth History Outreach
"The History of Macon County, Tennessee"

In keeping with its primary purpose of preserving Macon County history, The Macon County Historical Society (the "Society") plans to provide historical information about Macon County, Tennessee, to Junior High 8th grade students in the Macon County school system.

This project was inspired, in part, due to the fact that school systems were no longer required to teach "Tennessee History".

To help fill this void, the Society will yearly present each 8th grade student of the school system with the book, "History of Macon County, Tennessee" (the "Book") written by Harold G. Blankenship, a former history teacher and principal in Macon County. The project further calls for this outreach program to (if possible) continue in perpetuity.

To meet this goal, 1) a single benefactor has provided the necessary funding for the re-printing of the Book, and 2) the son of Harold G. Blankenship has agreed to allow re-printing the book as long as the project continues to receive funding.

Hopefully, the Macon County School System will consent to adapt some part of its Social Studies lessons to revolve around at least one subject area contained within the Blankenship history book.

Currently this project is projected to go forward with a formal presentation during the Summer/Fall of 2022.

Project Announcement Video
September 8, 2022

Video Courtesy of NCTV 6 & 15